VFVInstall(Vue, [config])
- Arguments:
- Vue
- {Object} [config]
- defaultMessage: 'The :name is invalid.',
- systemErrorMessage: 'System error during verification.',
- bail: true, // Stop running validation rules after the first validation failure.,
- inputtingDuration: 1000,
- timeout: 5000, // validate timeout, for async validate
- methodName: 'validate',
- locale: 'en'
- Returns: VFVInstance
VFVInstance is the validate method. If the validate method name is validate
(default), then VFVInstance is vm.$validate.
The config is assigned to VFVInstance. You can change config on VFVInstance. e.g.: VFVInstance.locale = 'other language code'.
validate method
$vm.$validate(validation, data)
, the name can be customized.
- Arguments:
- {Object} validation
- {Object} data
- Arguments:
- {Object} rules
- refer rule
- {Object} rules
addMessages(messages, locale)
- Arguments:
- {Object} messages
- refer message
- {String} locale
- {Object} messages
- type: {Object | Function}
- when it is Object
- {String} type
- available values: valid, required
- {Function} handler
- Arguments:
- {any} value
- {Array} params
- {VueFinalValidateField} field
- {Function} exec
- refer Async Rules
- Returns: {Boolean | Object | Promise}
- a rule can return a special object with additional info. The structure is
{__validate: 'if valid', value: 'additional info'}
. The additional info will be passed to message function.
- a rule can return a special object with additional info. The structure is
- Arguments:
- {String} type
- when it is function
If the rule is a function, then the function is rule handler, the rule type isvalid
- type: {String | Function}
- placeholders
params[n]- example: 'The
length must be:params[0]
- Arguments:
- {any} value
- {Array} params
- {VueFinalValidateField} field
- {any} ruleReturn
the validation root
the name in message
self dirty or children dirty
self valid and children valid
self validating or children validating
self inputting or children inputting
Refer /validation.html#ignoreif
ignore self and children when validate
For loop children fields.
Refer /validation.html#each
start to observe. it will auto start when use this.$validate(validation, data)
$add(key, field)
not work if $each existed
not work if $each existed
set all fields dirty, return promise, reject if invalid